Saturday, January 31, 2009


Teachers.. Can you do without them in your life??.. They always are and will be a part of our lives inevitably.. This post is dedicated to my teachers..

They are one such 'group of people' who always hold a place in your memories.. be it good or bad.. I have had my share of good teachers and the not so good ones.. And the most beautiful part is.. when I ask my papa, he also has some fond memories of his teachers.. and more interestingly.. my grandfather also has 'n' number of stories of his encounters with his masterji's. This holds true across ages..

It is so important to have the right kind of teachers at the right time.. When we start going to school at the tender age of 2.5 years.. you start spending 6 to 7 important hours a day of your life with a set of people.. and you start sharing a lot of emotions with them sometimes knowingly and sometimes unknowingly.. you start getting angry on them when they scold you.. you sometimes get scared.. you sometimes love them so much.. They are like celebrity in your life.. You want to know where your teacher stays and many such small things.. Your life starts revolving around them..

And its now when the teachers shape your personality to a very large extent, they embibe in you the morals, the values they believe in.. I feel it is so important for a teacher to tell his/her student about 'what the child can do' and not keep telling him/her 'what he can't do'

I find parents going to teachers in 'Parents Teacher Association' and telling them "My child is too shy.. Please help her in gaining some confidence". What an irony!! Such is a teacher's influence in child's as well as parent's life!!

As we grow into teenagers ( The most sensitive and critical phase of our life ).. you start wanting teachers to be more like your friend.. This is when you start rating your teachers as 'Cool Teachers' and 'the Khadus ones' . I remember in my school, my sir had once told " A teacher can always be your best friend, but the difference is a teacher also has the liberty to act as your guardian.. and the viceversa doesn't hold true" A teacher can so beautifully play a mentor's role.. Teenagers feel and face so many circumstances that they have no clue about!! and most of it is in school and if not, atleast revolves around the school.. Who else can be a better guide than a teacher!!

A teacher has the same capacity to play a devil's role in a child's life as much as he/she has the capacity to play an angel's role.. A teacher can change your life in either ways.. They play such an important role in teaching you the 'process of learning'.. Learning becomes so much fun when you have right kind of teachers.. Atleast for me I can learn anything under the sun if I am taught by the right person in the right way..

I feel a best teacher is who can make you think.. Infront of whom you can make infinite mistakes and still dare to make many more mistakes.. (and learn also!!).. Infront of whom you can put your stupidest of doubts confidently!!(I remember telling my maths teacher that I will prove that there is nothing like 'Imaginary numbers' and 'square of a number can be negative'
(I know its funny!!) but he was game for it!! He never said no to any of my doubts!!) why I am telling this is that this gave me so much more interest in the subject.. I started loving the subject and spending more time with the subject..

It is so important for teachers to show confidence in their students.. Teachers must act like confidant and not like detectives(I have an experience where a teacher was more of detective than a teacher!!)

Real teachers have become so rare.. But I am blessed.. My school, Delhi Public School, gave me 3 to 4 gem of teachers.. Surprisingly I couldn't find even one in college!! :) I have learnt and learning more about 'everything' in my school and office than I learnt in college(excluding the hostel life!!)

I guess no one can be blamed for lack of real teachers.. Because most of us in order to keep pace with everything happening around tend to forget the basics of life.. So is with the teachers.. They come to schools, college, spend 8 hours and go!! This is what is required to earn daily bread.. Its entirely on the individual.. He/She might need not be a teacher by profession, he/she might not have 10 degrees.. its only about ideas.. ideas on how to groom a child, on how to let a person grow(need not be a child!!) and every individual might have a different idea on this and have his/her own ways.. and the one who has it.. is a teacher!!

Thank you all my teachers!!

And before I forget.. This post is an outcome of my conversation with one of my school teachers!! and my recent experiences!! I am still finding good teachers!! Or may be I am lucky!! :)

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